Platform Icon: Directory

Trusted network of financial market participants

Find and connect with finance professionals

With Symphony Directory, enriched profiles are standardized with market-specific data and accessible across Symphony’s Messaging and Voice platforms. Customizable entitlement options make it easy to find and connect to counterparties on demand.

Search and connect with finance counterparties


Trusted and customer-verified data removes ambiguity and security concern of who is on the other end of an interaction.


Rich, industry-specific taxonomic profiles make it easy to find the right contact or team especially during time-sensitive workflows.


Flexible, auditable permissioning provides guardrails for firms, teams and individuals - controlling visibility of your data.

Connect confidently and reduce email traffic

Inter-firm interactions often rely on large group email addresses and hoping your intended recipient sees your message. Enhanced Directory displays detailed counterparty information and their preferred communication method, so you can reduce hopeful email traffic and confidently connect in time-sensitive situations.

Directory: Workflow Image

What is T+1 and how Symphony Directory helps

The SEC has adopted a final rule to shorten the standard settlement cycle for most securities transactions to one business day following the trade date (T+1); this requirement is expected to expand globally. The reduced settlement period requires faster connectivity between operations teams to meet stricter, post-trade processing requirements.

Email has been the main method of communication between stakeholders being used. T+1 requires companies to reexamine their post-trade processes and procedures, including communication methods of uncovering and notifying the right contact via the proper channel. 
Are they online? Do you have the correct email?

Symphony Directory can streamline this process.

Symphony Directory provides firms with the speed and flexibility to resolve post-trade activities, serving as the most trusted and relevant directory for the financial services industry.

Find and notify trading contacts

Identify counterparties

Search based on role, department or company

Message them

Reach out to counterparties over Symphony Messaging

Resolve issues

Resolve post-trade activities and send notifications

Meet deadlines

Conclude matters, even within short settlement periods

Watch Symphony Directory introduction video

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  1. The movement to T+1 is forcing the industry to review its operating models and communications strategies.
  2. Today’s workflows consist of millions of emails sent in hope of being received by the right person.
  3. Symphony Directory streamlines exception management and issue resolution, helping prepare for the condensed settlement cycle.

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