Integrations & Automations

Bring your teams and tools together

Instantly access apps to-and-from Symphony Messaging

Integrations eliminate ‘swivel chair’ workflows. By connecting your teams with their tools, you can reduce the inefficiencies of context switching and foster a seamless flow of information, limiting errors and empowering teams to work faster and more efficiently.

Symphony Messaging leverages open APIs to offer communication, productivity and market specific integrations, driving efficiency, improving collaboration, and keeping your teams focused.

Simplify and Streamline


Integrate your teams and tools to reduce context-switching and drive collaboration across your teams


Automate operational tasks with bots and ai-powered agents to streamline tasks and improve time management


Accelerate workflows with seamless communication, easy access to critical information, and quick resolution of issues

Integrations to accelerate every workflow


Bring deep financial workflows into the context of Symphony Messaging with market-specific integrations, driving efficiency across research, operations, and trading desks.

App Icon: TradingView
App Icon: Hammerstone
Hammerstone Markets
App Icon: Taskize

Optimize the flow of information between Symphony Messaging and integrated apps allowing users to engage with their preferred tool, fostering more efficient and continuous collaboration.

App Icon: Salesforce
App Icon: JIRA
App Icon: ServiceNow
App Icon: Symantec

Plug external communication tools into Symphony Messaging or enable interoperability between apps so users on Symphony Messaging can speak with users of other systems like Zoom or Teams.

App Icon: Zoom
App Icon: Zoom
Microsoft Teams



Connect Symphony Messaging and Microsoft Teams users

Microsoft Teams Chat

Messaging needs vary across desks, and while some users require the advanced financial features of Symphony Messaging, others may prefer different tools. By connecting Symphony Messaging with Microsoft Teams, you empower your entire organization to communicate via their preferred system.


Real-time market analysis at your fingertips


Financial services professionals need to make informed decisions quickly. TradingView brings market data, charting tools, and collaborative workflows into the Symphony Messaging environment – driving more efficient decision-making and team alignment in a single, streamlined interface.


Enable Zoom calling within Symphony Messaging


Video conferencing is a must-have in today’s business world. Symphony Messaging’s integration with Zoom allows you to instantly start or join a Zoom meeting directly from any Symphony Messaging room or chat, allowing users to centralize communication and speak at the click of a button.


Streamline sales and client lifecycle management


Effective sales and lifecycle management are essential for business success. Make pipeline and ongoing client management easier by feeding sales calls and meeting notes directly to Salesforce from Symphony Messaging, enabling consolidation of the CRM communication workflow.

Optimize your time with automations

Leverage off-the-shelf bots built into the framework of Symphony Messaging for streamlined operations and easy task management

Mention Bot

Notify all members of large chat rooms with a single @ mention

Poll Bot

Receive real-time feedback by sending polls in any chat room

Safety Check Bot

Send urgent messages to colleagues during a crisis and ensure they are safe

Broadcast Bot

Send firm-wide communications in one message with broadcast bot

Bridge Bot

Enable communication and task management across systems

Roomzilla Bot

Automate chat room management by cross-checking members against corporate directories and distribution lists

Your most used apps and more

Symphony Messaging is integrated with over 100 apps and 1,500 bots to drive efficiency, improve teamwork, and keep your teams running smoothly.


Integrations can be found and installed via the Marketplace within the Symphony Messaging app. Users can scroll through available options or utilize the search function to locate specific apps.

Locate the bot via the Symphony Messaging Marketplace or by using the search function to add it as a contact. You can then initiate a chat with the bot or include it in chat rooms for broader interactions.

Yes, our messaging services team is available to help you build your own bots and automations. Contact [email protected] or visit the Symphony Developers site for more information.

Get started with Symphony

We're happy to answer questions and get you acquainted with Symphony and our Messaging, Voice, Directory and Analytics platforms.

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